QR Code Badges | Boothleads

The Boothleads is the mobile application product which can we use in any smartphone. The leads plays the more important role in any firm development for that we had a new and easy way of getting the leads in a very modern way using QR Code.

Boothleads appworld.blackberry.com

Boothleads offering the simplest way to carry the details in a secure and safe way by choosing QR Codes. Here download the Boothleads App and register with the team about events and booths the team uses this QR Codes as identity or name or or badge  Business Cards in the event, if any were interested to get a lead of others just scan the others QR code badge. Then one can get the lead of the others who we scanned into their smartphone into the boothleads app. Thats the lead one can use for business development according to their priorities and functions.

QR Code Badge

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